The Breed


Low calf weight at birth
( 28 / 30 Kg. ) Facilitating parturitions and a very high growth rate that denotes a maximum economic return.


High fertility index
Females cycle before 12 months of age. While bulls can serve 50% more females than those of any other race.


Superior meat conversion
The higher conversion occurs both with grain and pasture. This is due to the impact of the hybrid vigor or “heterosis”, product of crossbreed with Wagyu.


The breed has the genetic ability to generate high levels of intramuscular fat (Marbling). Unlike other breeds, the Wagyu marbling is very healthy, containing twice as much saturated monounsaturated fatty acids with beneficial health properties.


Wagyus are extremely docile and meek compared to any breed. This facilitates the production of intramuscular fat and field work. Crossbreeding with other races will also transmit this characteristic.


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